There are 6 main features that separate our product from regular clothing.
1) Each T-Shirt has a QR code which is an identifier that links the physical T-Shirt with the unique artwork's page on our platform. On this page people can observe the unique artwork, in both 2D and 3D, as well as its timeline. This latter one includes all sorts of info, from its creation to when it was first sold, renamed or even when ownership changed!
2) Artworks have an initial title, and owners can rename them as they please.
3) Each owner of an artwork is also an owner of a gallery. Within someone's gallery, visitors can observe all artworks they own. This is a great feature for collectors.
4) It is possible to change ownership of an unique artwork as long as its QR code is scanned through your account area on our platform ("My Gallery" -> "+ Add Artwork").
5) A user’s Gallery can be shared with friends. Anyone can visit a gallery, even anonymous/guest users!
Users can update their profile picture with any of the artworks they own.